Sunday, April 13, 2008


Two of my books won prestigious awards recently. Foliage, penned by my extremely talented and uber-green-thumbed friend, Nancy Ondra, was one of the four titles chosen for the 2008 American Horticultural Society Book Award.

And the Guide to the Great Gardens of the Philadelphia Region, (authored by another exceptionally gifted and horticulturally subversive friend, Adam Levine) won a Silver Award of Achievement in the 2008 Garden Writer's Association Media Awards program for Book Photography and is eligible for a Gold Award to be announced later this year.

Two words for two awards: WOO and HOO!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Beyond Marshmallow Peeps

Imaginative Easter treats fill a bakery window in Amsterdam. This holiday (like so many) has pagan roots and is derived from an equinox celebration honoring Eastre, the Saxon goddess of dawn and fertility (that's where the rabbits and eggs fit in!)